Professionally Recorded

Greetings & On-Hold Messaging

How It Works

Sounding great is as easy as 1, 2, 3

Choose Your Voice

Choose from our professional voice artists dedicated to making you sound great

Background Music

Choose from 100+ songs spanning a wide range of musical genres

Send Your Scripts

Email your scripts to Your greetings will be completed within 5 business days

Voice Samples

Our professional voice artists can often be heard on nationwide TV and radio commercials for fortune 500 companies, so you can trust they are dedicated to helping your business make a great impression!

Female 01

Warm, fresh, comforting

Female 02

Upbeat, friendly, conversational

Female 03

Professional, crisp, friendly

Female 04

Warm and expressive (English/Spanish)

Music Samples

We offer 100+ songs spanning a wide range of musical genres so you can find a song that properly represents your business while entertaining callers as they're on hold.


From on-hold messaging to voicemail greetings, we'll have you sounding great!

On-Hold Messaging

This package contains (6) 100-word scripts over your choice of background music, and is sure to make your company sound more professional.

  • 600 Total Words
  • 4 Professional Voice Artists
  • 100+ Music Selections
Ask your reseller for pricing
100-Word Greetings

100-Word Auto Attendant Greetings are ideal for your Daytime or After-Hour Greetings, Company Directories, Department Mailboxes and more.

  • 100 Total Words
  • 4 Professional Voice Artists
  • Music Not Included
Ask your reseller for pricing
50-Word Greetings

Popular uses for 50-Word Auto Attendant Greetings include Personal Mailbox Greetings, Directions, Hours of Operation, and General Delivery Mailboxes.

  • 50 Total Words
  • 4 Professional Voice Artists
  • Music Not Included
Ask your reseller for pricing

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