NEC DSX System Administrator 2
NEC DSX System Administrator 2
Version: 2.21
The System Administrator v2 is the software used to make programming changes to the NEC DSX with Version 2 software.
Which software version is right for you
- System Administrator Version 2.21 is only compatible with DSX 2 Firmware
- System Administrator Version 3.37 is only compatible with DSX 3 Firmware
How to check your firmware version
- Go to any DSX phone.
- Do not pick up the handset.
- Press the INTERCOM KEY, then Pound, Star, Pound, Star (# * # *).
- Your System Firmware version will be displayed on the top right corner of the LCD Display.
Installation notes
You can import a version 2 database into the version 3 System Administrator.
Installing version 3 System Administrator will not affect any prior version 2 installations. It will install as a separate application.
If you have any prior version 3 System Administrator installed, use Control Panel -> Programs and Features (Add or Remove Programs) to uninstall it prior to installing this new version.
System Administrator version 2.21 provides the IntraMail Backup/Restore/Import utility. Please note that this utility does not erase incoming and outgoing messages currently stored on an IntraMail CompactFlash card.